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PostWysłany: Wto 6:58, 14 Sty 2014    Temat postu:

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Chinese oil giant Sinopec will pay compensation for the oil pipeline blast which left 62 dead, 136 injured and devastated residential and commercial roads in Qingdao, Shandong Province, on November 22.
The explosion resulted in a direct economic loss of around 750 million yuan ($123.9 million).
The company also said Sunday evening that November 22 would henceforth be labeled "Production Safety Awareness Day."
PostWysłany: Czw 16:57, 09 Sty 2014    Temat postu:

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  周作人先生,就我的理解,他是懂茶道的,这可能与他闲适冲淡的性格相关,也与他在日本生活过一段时间有关。其文章若水之纯白,时有茶之雅意茶之幽韵匀入文理句式,细心品读,可得丝丝缕缕的茶之清香。他论茶道说得比较随意,他对茶道的理解为:“茶道的意思,用平凡的话来说,可以称作为忙里偷闲,苦中作乐,在不完全现实中享受一点美与和谐,在刹那间体会永久。”苦中寻乐,无疑是一种积极的生活方式。茶,尤是新茶,入水而姿舒而态放,呈嫩嫩之春色,舒放之间而释其清醇之髓。虽饮而稍有柔绵之苦,但此苦是很适意的,可以回味的,其若不错之序跋,慢慢研读,亦可得很多与神相通的怡悦,而不必通读其正文。因而,不必读全人生之浩瀚,也谙人生之趣,giubbotti moncler。但,蓑翁对他所云“刹那间体会永久”,不敢苟同的,“刹那间”于文化人而言,特别在不完全现实中,是不能容纳虚幻之美的,它是不可停顿之“电闪”。一杯清茶,至少可以挽留时之“须臾”而非“刹那”。于“须臾”中体会“永久”不知妥否?
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Despite pledges in the last year to fight pollution, Beijing saw barely any improvement in air quality in 2013.
The intensity of major air pollutants remained much the same in 2013 as they were in the previous year, figures released by the Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau on Thursday indicate.
PM2.5, airborne particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, was 2.5 times the national standard, it said.
Authorities began to monitor and publish PM2.5 levels in 2013.
"It's a long process to fight the capital's pollution," Fang Li, spokesman for the bureau, said at a news conference on Thursday.
PostWysłany: Nie 0:42, 22 Gru 2013    Temat postu:

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Core tip: Photograph: South Korea, "Chosun Ilbo" in new network on 19 October, according to South Korea, "Chosun Ilbo" 18 days of reports, unlike the United States presidential election, 3 candidates in South Korea's presidential election would be "economic democracy" as the most important economic policy. In the large enterprise reform, tax increases and expand welfare issues such as, 3 candidates, park Geun-hye, paper explains the similar position in Yin and An Zhexiu. According to the analysis, this policy synchronization phenomenon is because South Korea economic situation, national awareness and political structure and the United States of America fundamentally different. The United States of America to overcome the financial crisis and put into large-scale national photograph: South Korea, "Chosun Ilbo"
South Korea presidential candidates have proposed restrictions on large enterprises and expand welfare advocates, the tax increase is also be imperative. To reduce the possibility of the "big government,magasin hollister, small government" dispute arise.

has said the analysis, to compete in the current president and the opposition candidate of the United States of America, the candidate of fierce debate about government policy direction and effect, but in Korea, the ruling party candidate Pu Jinhui and President Lee Myung-bak's policies are also different, and therefore the possibility of disputes between other candidates is relatively small. Korean political structure of

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Party members and officials will not be allowed to have memorial meetings or luxury funerals after they pass away, according to the latest notification on promoting funeral and interment reform released by the State Council and the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on Thursday.
Party members should allow their bodies to be cremated after death in regions with little arable land, said the document, adding that the families of the Party members should understand and support their decisions.
Officials and Party members should take the lead to follow an ecological way of burial like sea burial and the ashes should be scattered, it said.
PostWysłany: Wto 8:32, 17 Gru 2013    Temat postu:

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The hepatitis B vaccines suspected of causing the death of two babies have been sealed for investigation, a manager of the company that produces them said.
The vaccines were produced by Biokangtai in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.
The company produced 450,000 hepatitis B vaccines last year and the suspect ones came from two different batches, Southern Metropolis Daily reported, citing a Biokangtai manager.
The manager told the newspaper the bulk of the vaccines were sold to Hunan Province, where two babies have died after receiving a vaccination.
However, 3,600 vaccines were sold to Guangdong Province and some to Guizhou Province, the manager added.
PostWysłany: Nie 23:00, 08 Gru 2013    Temat postu: still legible

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PostWysłany: Czw 6:33, 05 Gru 2013    Temat postu:

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Several transport officials in central China's Henan Province were sacked or suspended from their posts after a female truck owner attempted suicide in protest against excessive fines.
The city government of Yongcheng said on Wednesday that the head and a deputy head of its traffic and transportation bureau had been suspended.
Several lower-rank road officials were also either dismissed or suspended, the government added.
The city and provincial authorities are still investigating the case in which Liu Wenli drank pesticide in a suicide attempt on Nov. 14 during a standoff with road officials over repetitive fines.
The officials stopped Liu's truck and were going to fine her for overloading, despite her claiming she had already paid an annual and a monthly "fee" of 3,000 yuan (about 489 U.S. dollars) respectively, which should have meant she did not have to pay other charges, according to Liu's brother.
PostWysłany: Śro 18:33, 04 Gru 2013    Temat postu:

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A woman in Hong Kong was arrested by police on Monday night for allegedly faking the kidnapping of her six-month baby girl, whom she later claimed had actually "accidentally" died at home.
The 31-year-old mother surnamed Wu was accused of preventing the legal disposal of a corpse, said the Hong Kong police in a statement e-mailed to the Global Times on Tuesday, adding that they believe the case does not involve child trafficking.
The city joined in a search for the missing baby after the mother told the police that a middle-aged woman "with a mainland accent" and an accomplice had abducted her baby Yu Kaiqing in the streets on November 23.
The woman pretended to ask her the way to a subway station when Wu was walking the baby in a pram, then the accomplice stole the baby, Wu told the police later that day.
Hong Kong media said the baby was likely to have suffocated to death on November 17 and her body was dumped in the dustbin by the helpless mother.
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